Wednesday, December 23, 2009

5 Disciplines to Get Your Ex Back...

What went wrong?
Do you ever question yourself about it?
You might be thinking about good old days and feeling victimized now. That might be bringing some relief to you. However what you need right now and for long run is deep retrospection.
Getting your ex back can be a process of deep impact on your life.
Who made the mistake, who said what and why, who is going to bend now... on and on. Thoughts may be drifting in your mind. However if you still feel somehow things should work out and all should be well again... you are in love with love of your life. AND YOU have to ACT NOW...instead of praying for things to get better.

Relationship is like a bank account. You can withdraw only if you have some deposits.
The communication expert TDub gives insights about YOUR NEXT MOVE in regards to bringing your EX-Back.
His step by step approach starts by understanding the person till resolving the conflicts in relationships.
Below are 5 pillars of a healthy relationship.
1.) Communication:
A clear communication. It doesn't matter if it's a small topic or thing you are most concerned about. If you are communicating and communicating clearly, you would enrich the relationship. This is where a long term relationship begins. Lack of this implies conflicts in relationship.
Communicating when it is needed is the key. Of course, you always check how communication can be done in a caring way. Avoid hurting someone just because you are hurt, you are ignored misunderstood or dis-respected.
What is the hurdle in clear communication?
2.) Respect:
No matter how old relationship you share, always respect the person, private space.. even though you are very, very close. The more respect you give, the more respect you get. Treat others as you would like to be treated, is a very old teaching. One part of showing respect is the ability to listen without judging. Don't take anyone for granted. Foundation pillar 3 is very important in maintaining the respect.
Relationship is not a burden. The moment one starts feeling burden, uncomfy, feeling of being suppressed, he/she should clear up. Speak up before it is too late.
Are you not sharing the similar emotions which you used to during your initial meetings? What has changed? Are you feeling the connectedness missing? The charm. If so, it is no longer that you will start complaining about your buddy. Suddenly he/she may be perceived as demanding.
Here is the equally important foundation pillar of a great relationship...
4.) Integrity:
I do what I say. I say what I do. Promises are cheap. The words are important. You don't keep your word once, you will be forgiven. You don't keep your word often, you won't be taken seriously. As a matter of fact, integrity is what makes person valuable.
It takes efforts and discipline to maintain the word. Encourage your buddy to keep the word. Convey and move on if you break the word. What if I am being ignored? Next simple ability will bring back any broken relationship to its path..
5.) No Ego:
If you share a relationship which gives you heavenly joy.. would you spoil it just because you feel you are being ignored? Don't let your ego disrupt the connection.
I am NOT advocating to surrender to any force and keep the feeling trapped.
On one end you still feel to get back to a great relationship and on the other end you may have started feeling some disconnection between the loving relationship.
The ultimate get your ex back guide shares the perfect moves towards getting to the relationship and your Ex Back.. You gotta check it out... Have a gr8 relationship.

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